The Anxious Pelvis is a safe, accessible, and inclusive space for pelvic wellness.

We provide online community, programs, and resources for general pelvic education and pelvic issues related to anxiety.

Did you ever properly learn about your pelvic health?

Two people laying down snuggling each other while smiling

Peeing… Pooping… Having Sex… Birthing babies… These are things people are doing every damn day.

So why aren’t we learning about it? Throw in the misinformation and no wonder we're confused. Companies love profiting off “quick fixes” for your pain and constipation, or making you think your vagina is suppose to smell like roses. You've been led to believe pain with sex is "normal" for women...or that your extreme period pain is just part of menstruation. This misinformation makes real impacts on our physical and mental health.

Having trustable spaces to learn about our bodies and it’s functions is important, The Anxious Pelvis is one of those spaces.

Why lump in anxiety?

Let’s be real…we live in a stress and anxiety inducing world. 

Anxiety is not just a condition, but a symptom. It has a role in a healthy nervous system, but when chronic and unregulated, it can manifest into physical symptoms, especially in the pelvis. Think things like high tension, chronic pain, pain with sex or toileting, sexual disappointment, urinary urgency, constipation, and more. 

Our minds and our bodies are not separate entities. We are happy to help guide you to calm your pelvis, and calm your mind.

Creating a society that promotes, educates, and advocates for pelvic wellness.


My name is Gina (she, her).

I am the owner of The Anxious Pelvis.

I am a pelvic floor occupational therapist, certified clinical trauma specialist and I have a certificate in pelvic sex counseling. I am an anxious pelvis enthusiast and your pelvic health coach through our programs.

I'm passionate about the mind-body connection and working with people through compassion and understanding. I believe in addressing the whole body holistically and keeping clients' values at the forefront. I'm excited to have you here and guide you through your pelvic journey! 

Gina sitting cross legged on the floor in a black outfit holding a pelvis with plants and books behind her.

We aim to expand, normalize, and destigmatize pelvic health conversations and resources.


It symbolizes a common place where anxiety shows up in our bodies, and our pelvic floors... the booty hole. 

Let us explain.

With anxiety, we often tense up, clenching our muscles. Sometimes we don’t even notice it.

The pelvic floor and thus, booty hole, is included in this clenching response. Chronic holding of tension can contribute to symptoms like pain or difficulty with bowel movements.

This symbol also represents any other holes of the pelvic floor, as they are also affected by this anxious response. For example, chronic tension can create pain at the vagina or difficulty relaxing the urethra.

We will learn how to release this tension more together.

For now, every time you see this symbol, check in with yourself, and drop that booty hole.